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Heart & Hands
Heart & Hands

Live meditation with Alison on

Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday

On the other days, please feel free to listen to one of the recordings on the Videos page. xx


This free live 15 minute guided meditation with Alison
is open to anyone that would like to join.

​No need to register, simply click on the button above 
to go straight into the meditation on Zoom.
7am (UK time) Monday - Wednesday.
If you are ever running late please still join the meditation.
Do not worry, you will not disturb the rest of the grou

Whether you are an experienced meditator or completely new to meditation.
Video on or off, sitting up or lying down, every
day or whenever your schedule allows.
We started this practice at the beginning of 2021 to provide a little more support during challenging times.
We have not yet found a good reason to stop and so we continue.

Recorded sessions:
I sometimes record the 7am Live meditation and publish it onto the 
Yoga Panacea YouTube channel:

Please note, although it may say 'livestream' on your screen during the guided meditation the 
recording is done on a 'Private' setting and is published later by me.
You will not appear in any recording. It will only ever be my video and voice on the recording.
You can access the published recordings at anytime 
on the videos page or via YouTube.

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